The Call for Challengers is closed

For public and private organisations with challenges to solve
In a world of never-ending changes, your organisation's capacity to quickly answer to new challenges is key for its success. But these challenges can be so specific that you may not have the expertise and resources to address them, nor find a suitable external solution for your need. This is when you consider looking for an innovator to co-develop a new solution.
And with this approach, a set of questions arises:
This is where the InnoBuyer programme comes into play, presenting you with an innovative model: a fast, sponsored and secure model of innovation procurement.

How does it work

InnoBuyer programme will fund activities under four different actions. The Challengers selected to take part in the programme will get support from the InnoBuyer consortium to further define their unmet needs and translate them into a challenge (Action 1), that can be launched in a call for innovation suppliers/Solvers.

Once the best Solver for each particular challenge gets selected (Action 2), Challengers and Solvers will co-create and pilot an innovative solution (Action 3). If by the end of the process the solution shows promising results, Challengers will receive support to launch an innovation procurement procedure  (Action 4) for the wide adoption of the solution.

Action 1:
Identification and selection of challenges

Identification of the unmet need, and design the challenge specifications to find the best innovation suppliers.

Recruitment of other buyers with a similar need to the one proposed.

Action 2:
Open Market Consultation

Implementation of a market consultation on the proposed challenge, as well as the recruitment and selection of innovative SMEs via open call.

Selection of the best solution or SME.

Action 3:
Pilot co-creation

Co-creation of a solution with the awarded SME.

Testing of the solution in real conditions.

Action 4:
Tender preparation

Legal support to draft the procurement tender for the adoption of the innovative solution, if the co-creation is successful.

€10,000 per Challenger
May to July 2023*
(3 months)
€10,000 per Challenger
August 2023 to January 2024*
(5 months)
Up to €6,500 per Challenger
Up to €58,500 per Solver
February to November 2024*
(10 months)
€15,000 per Challenger
October 2024 to June 2025*
(9 months)

* Tentative dates

What’s in it for you

Who can apply?

Public and private organisations, legally established in any of the following countries:

Other eligibility criteria may apply. Please check the Guidelines for Applicants for more information.

Do you have questions?

Check the Frequently Asked Questions section and watch the recordings of the two Webinars below.