
PREPLEX: A Data-Driven Approach Optimizing Healthcare Scheduling with AI
The AI4Justice initiative, led by Connecthink Innovation in partnership with the Centre de Telecomunicacions i Tecnologies de la Informació (CTTI), aims to tackle the task of drafting judicial sentences by introducing a Virtual Assistant.

FHARMAVERSO: Innovating Pediatric Growth Hormone Therapy
The FHARMAVERSO project, developed through a collaboration between Hospital Universitario de Getafe and MetaMedicsVR, is helping children gain confidence in managing their growth hormone therapy.

InnoBuyer Kicks Off Co-Creation Phase for EIC Solvers with Four Winning Challenger/Solver Pairs
The InnoBuyer Open Call for EIC Solvers has successfully concluded, with four innovative Challenger/Solver consortia selected to enter the co-creation phase.

AI4Justice: AI-Driven Innovation in Judicial Efficiency
The AI4Justice initiative, led by Connecthink Innovation in partnership with the Centre de Telecomunicacions i Tecnologies de la Informació (CTTI), aims to tackle the task of drafting judicial sentences by introducing a Virtual Assistant.

OptiDrive: A Data-Driven Path to Sustainable Public Transport Efficiency
With insights from Imantas Paliakas, Director of Operations at UAB and Irma Eringė, Project Manager at Corner Case Technologies, this collaboration shows the value of data-driven solutions for optimizing electric bus fleets. This article explores the key phases of OptiDrive.

SAFE-STAY: Enhancing Hospital Mobility with Automated Wheelchair Access
SAFE-STAY, a collaboration between Sterna Innovation and Olsztyn Hospital, is transforming patient mobility. With Marc Torrent, CTO of Sterna Innovation, spearheading the technological development, the project is set to have a impact on healthcare efficiency.

Exploring Innovation in Medical Device Research: Insights from the MDR-Prep Program
The partnership between TU Delft and Complear, highlights the power of interdisciplinary cooperation in navigating EU medical device regulations. In this article, we gather insights on the key phases of development, challenges faced, and the program’s impact.

Empowering Patient Care: Milestones and Insights from the EarlyDel Project
In this interview, we explore the EarlyDel program’s journey, highlighting its major accomplishments, the challenges faced, and the invaluable lessons learned through collaboration with stakeholders.

How BLOODMANSYS is Leading the Way in Blood Transfusion Processes
The following interview provides an in-depth look into the BLOODMANSYS project, a pivotal initiative at the Badajoz Flagship Hospital aimed at improving blood transfusion processes.

IPTF Conference 2024: A Success in Innovation Procurement!
The InnoBuyer team proudly attended the IPTF Conference, showcasing our demand-driven methodology for innovation procurement. The IPTF Conference, held on June 18th in Brussels 2024, was a key event that highlights the importance of expanding innovative procurement practices.

Fireside Chat Webinar – Open Call for EIC Solvers
To find out more about the Open Call for EIC Solvers join our Fireside Chat between TicBiomed and dotLumen, an EIC-funded company that joined InnoBuyer in the first Open Call for Solvers.

InnoBuyer starts first pilot Co-Creation phase with nine Challenger/Solver pairs
Following a successful Open Call for Solvers that saw a total of 176 submitted proposals, nine of the SME’s that were selected have now joined the InnoBuyer project.

Innobuyer calls EIC beneficiaries to co-create pilots with public organisations
InnoBuyer is inviting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) funded by the EIC to apply for its Open Call for EIC Solvers, running from 4 April – 6 June, 2024. A total amount up to €260.000 is available to support

Successful Call for Solvers: SMEs invited to join InnoBuyer!
Between 25 October 2023 and 24 January 2024, InnoBuyer called small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to apply for its Call for Solvers, and propose an innovative solution to be co-developed with public organisations (Challengers).
After careful evaluation, 12 SMEs have

Open Call webinar: How to develop innovative solutions aligned with the market real needs
The Open Call Webinar “How to develop innovative solutions aligned with the market real needs” will be an engaging and informative online event tailored specifically for SMEs developing innovative solutions for the public sector.

Become a paid InnoBuyer Evaluator
InnoBuyer is an European Union funded project that brings together big organisations (Challengers) and innovative SMEs (Solvers) to jointly co-create innovative solutions, for different sectors.
We are looking for evaluators to review the submission of the Solvers’ proposals. We

InnoBuyer Webinar: Open Call for Solvers
Join the InnoBuyer Webinar and discover how you can benefit from the InnoBuyer Call for Challengers.

€1.2M for SMEs to co-create pilots with public organisations
The EU-funded project InnoBuyer is inviting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to apply for its Call for Solvers. A total amount of €1.2M is available to support 15 innovative SMEs (Solvers), to co-develop pilots with public organisations (Challengers).

Join us at the Impactful Innovation Conference in Murcia, Spain
Next stop: Murcia, Spain! InnoBuyer team is very excited about the opportunity to join organisations with unmet innovation needs, innovation providers and other actors of the innovation ecosystem at the upcoming Impactful Innovation Conference, set to take place on November

OUTSTATIONS Open Market Consultation Session: the recording is here
Are you an innovative start-up in the AI, video detection, drones, data collection fields? We have a challenge for you!

reSHAPE Open Market Consultation: the recording is here
Are you an innovative start-up in the materials, hydrogen and/or eletrolysis fields? We have a challenge for you!

SprAI Open Market Consultation: the recording is here
Are you an innovative start-up in the AI, video detection, materials and/or gelcoat application fields? We have a challenge for you!

Safe-stay Open Market Consultation: the recording is here
Are you an innovative start-up in the eHealth, healthcare and/or medical devices fields? We have a challenge for you!

BLOODMANSYS Open Market Consultation: the recording is here
Are you an innovative start-up in the healthcare and/or medical devices fields? We have a challenge for you!

HomeRUN Open Market Consultation: the recording is here
Are you an innovative start-up in the eHealth, healthcare and/or medical devices fields? We have a challenge for you!

eDEMAP Open Market Consultation: the recording is here
Are you an innovative start-up in the AI, digitalization of procedures and/or IT fields? We have a challenge for you!

AI for Justice Open Market Consultation: the recording is here
Are you an innovative start-up in the AI, large language models, law and/or IT fields? We have a challenge for you!

Earlydel Open Market Consultation: the recording is here
Are you an innovative start-up in the healthcare, predictive analytics, AI and/or algorithms fields? We have a challenge for you!

PREPLEX Open Market Consultation: the recording is here
Are you an innovative start-up in the Algorithms, Data science and/or IT fields? We have a challenge for you!

MOTINN Open Market Consultation: the recording is here
Are you an innovative start-up in the urban mobility, power grid and/or green vehicles fields? We have a challenge for you!

MDR-prep Open Market Consultation: the recording is here
Are you an innovative sSME in the regulatory affairs, medical devices and/or quality management system fields? We have a challenge for you!

METRO GAP Open Market Consultation Session: the recording is here
Are you an innovative SME in the accessibility and/or urban mobility fields? We have a challenge for you!

OptiDrive Open Market Consultation: the recording is here
Are you an innovative SME in the eco-driving, electric vehicles, transport and/or energy fields? We have a challenge for you!

FHARMAVERSO Open Market Consultation Session: the recording is here
Are you an innovative SME in the ehealth, telepharmacy, assisted living, metaverse and/or interactive learning fields? We have a challenge for you!

InnoBuyer announces 15 Open Market Consultation events
For innovative SMEs developing solutions for Education, Energy & Water, Healthcare, Public Administration, Manufacturing and Transports sectors

Decoding Open Market Consultation: Join us!
“The Decoding Open Market Consultation” conference will be an engaging and informative online event tailored specifically for procurement professionals, private and public organisations looking to gain a comprehensive understanding of what an Open Market Consultation entails.

Results are out: 15 Challenges will be launched in a call for innovation suppliers
They say that “time flies when you’re having fun”… and the 15 public and private organisations with unment innovation needs, selected via our Call for Challengers, have already completed the first phase of the programme – Action 1: Identification and

InnoBuyer announces the 15 organisations selected to accelerate Innovation Procurement
The Challengers selected operate in the Education, Energy & Water, Healthcare, Public Administration, Manufacturing and Transports sectors

Learn “10 keys for unmet needs identification”: InnoBuyer’s library is live
InnoBuyer has gathered “10 keys for unmet needs identification”, giving you some clues for demand-driven innovation, which starts with unmet need identification.

Insights from public procurers’ exchange of best practices – join the webinar!
Registrations are open for the second webinar organised by the Innovation Procurement Task Force partners. It will take place online, on 28 June 2023, from 12:00 to 13:00 CEST, bringing you “Insights from public procurers’ exchange of best practices“.

InnoBuyer Call for Challengers: the statistics are here
Between 1 February and 31 March 2023 InnoBuyer called for public and private organisations from any sector to apply for the Open Call for Challengers, and benefit from the 1.1 million euros available to support 15 entities with unmet innovation

Join the Info Session: Building Innovation Procurement Capability
The Innovation Procurement Task Force is excited to announce their upcoming info session on April 20th at 14:00 CEST. This webinar is a fantastic opportunity for cities, businesses, and organisations interested in innovation procurement to learn about the latest developments

Become a member of our External Pool of Evaluators
InnoBuyer aims to set up an External Pool of Evaluators (EPE) to support the review process of the proposals received from the InnoBuyer Open Call for Challengers. The EPE gathers a set of recognized experts in innovation and procurement from

Online Conference: Procurement of Innovation in 2023 – Challenges & Opportunities
The “Procurement of Innovation in 2023: challenges and opportunities” online conference is the perfect opportunity for procurement professionals, private and public organisations, and anyone interested in the procurement of innovation to learn from experts and engage in discussions on the

1.1 million euros to support organisations with innovation needs
The EU-funded project InnoBuyer is inviting public and private organisations with challenges to be solved, to apply for the Open Call for Challengers. A total amount of €1.1M is available to support 15 entities with unmet innovation needs, from any

Webinar: How to master innovation needs identification
Are you part of a big public or private organisation? Would you like to learn how to identify and describe unmet innovation needs, to boost demand-driven, effective and sustainable adoption of innovative solutions?
The upcoming InnoBuyer webinar on “How

InnoBuyer Webinar: Open Call for Challengers
Join the InnoBuyer Online Webinar and discover how you can benefit from the InnoBuyer Open Call for Challengers.
The InnoBuyer Call for Challenger aims to select 15 public and private entities with unmet innovation needs, from any sector, to join

Meet the Partner: TicBiomed
Ticbiomed boosts the digital transformation of health. We help healthcare organisations define their needs and connect with suitable digital companies to satisfy them. We also support the co-creation of innovative solutions and their adoption to generate true impact.

Meet the Partner: CIVITTA
CIVITTA helps their clients from private companies to governments, non-profits and startups to challenge their own industries by becoming more innovative, efficient and dynamic. With 380+ consultants CIVITTA is present in 18 European countries.

Meet the Partner: F6S
F6S is a European based entity that has become the largest Startup/SME community globally with over 1.5 million Startups/SMEs and 2.0 million entrepreneurs. F6S delivers more than €2 billions every year to Startups and SMEs with leading CRM for deal

InnoBuyer Project Kick-off
On the 1st of September the project “InnoBuyer – Learning, sharing and co-design in innovation procurement between innovation suppliers and buyers” officially started. InnoBuyer is a coordination and support action, funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation