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Online Conference: Procurement of Innovation in 2023 – Challenges & Opportunities

InnoBuyer Conference Procurement of Innovation

The “Procurement of Innovation in 2023: challenges and opportunities” online conference is the perfect opportunity for procurement professionals, private and public organisations, and anyone interested in the procurement of innovation to learn from experts and engage in discussions on the current challenges and opportunities in the field. 

The keynote speaker Samira Boussetta from the European Commission (DG GROW) promises to provide valuable insights and perspectives on the subject, making this event a must-attend for anyone looking to stay ahead of the curve in the procurement of innovation.

Additionally, the conference features a roundtable of experts from various fields who will offer their insights and opinions on the challenges and opportunities facing procurement professionals today. 

The reverse pitch session, in particular, will be a unique and exciting opportunity for attendees to learn about the many EU-supported opportunities that may be of interest to buyers of innovation. This session will allow attendees to better understand how procurement can be used in 2023 to drive innovation and support the development of new and groundbreaking products and services. Don’t miss this chance to connect with other professionals in the field, learn from experts, and engage in meaningful discussions about the procurement of innovation.

Get your free ticket here and come join us on March 21, at 10:00am CET.


10:00 – Welcome Words |  Miguel Gonçalves (F6S), Viorel Peca (EIC)
10:05 – Keynote speech: Procurement of innovation in 2023 – Challenges & Opportunities | Samira Boussetta (EC – DG Grow)
10:25 – Roundtable: Debate based on Keynote speech | Moderator: Jorge Gonzalez (TicBiomed)
11:00 – Reverse pitch session: EU supported opportunities | Moderator: Cátia Figueiredo (F6S)
11:30 – Closing words
11:35 – End

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