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Join us at the Impactful Innovation Conference in Murcia, Spain

Join us at the Impactful Innovation Conference in Murcia, Spain

Next stop: Murcia, Spain! InnoBuyer team is very excited about the opportunity to join organisations with unmet innovation needs, innovation providers and other actors of the innovation ecosystem at the upcoming Impactful Innovation Conference, set to take place on November 15th -16th, 2023. This conference will promote the exchange of lessons learnt and instruments to enhance the adoption rate of successful innovation projects, ensuring they survive the valley of death from the pilot phase to delivering tangible impact.


About the Impactful Innovation Conference:

The Impactful Innovation Conference will bring together different actors from the European health and innovation ecosystem during 2 days.

On the first day, November 15th, the conference will focus on knowledge sharing around lessons learnt, best practices, successes around innovation projects as well as new tools to fund innovation and address challenges.

The second day, November 16th, will be focused on traction-oriented Hands-on tables. Each table accommodates up to 10 individuals who come together to engage in in-depth discussions around concrete topics of interest. The primary aim is to facilitate the exchange of valuable insights while sparking post-conference momentum.


Why Should You Join the Conference?

  • Hear from European institutions how they successfully manage their innovation procurement processes to make them sustainable
  • Learn tools, techniques and takeaways
  • Meet relevant speakers and experts in the field of innovation and procurement.


InnoBuyer’s Hands-on Table: #9

InnoBuyer is hosting a hands-on table (#9) that will focus on a methodological approach to increase the adoption of successful InnoBuyer projects. We aim to discuss the best practices to pave the way for the future adoption of the co-created solutions.

  • Title: A Methodological Approach to Increase the Adoption of Successful InnoBuyer Projects
  • Proposed by: InnoBuyer
  • Language: English
  • Ideal Participants: InnoBuyer Challengers
  • Description: InnoBuyer is an EIC-funded project that brings together big public and private organisations (Challengers) and innovative SMEs (Solvers) to jointly co-create innovative solutions, through a lean new model of innovation procurement. The Challengers are currently conducting an open market consultation and will select the Solvers early in 2024. To ensure the results of the project are impactful, InnoBuyer Challengers have committed to adopt the co-created solutions if the pilots are successful. During this table we will discuss best practices to pave the way for a future adoption and how to address the foreseeable roadblocks.
  • Seats Available: 8

For more information and to register for the conference, visit the conference website.

See you in Murcia!

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