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Advanced Blood Transfusion Management System


FUNDESALUD (FS) is the Public Foundation (non-profit) ascribed to the Regional Ministry of Health and Social Services at the Government of Extremadura that manages both research and training programs at the Regional Health (SES) and Social care (SEPAD) system in Extremadura.

In addition, FundeSalud works in collaboration with the University of Extremadura (UEx) and other public or private research centers, providing resources, staff, and facilities to develop any biomedical research activity in the autonomous region of Extremadura (Spain).

Extremadura’s Healthcare Service (SES) is the Healthcare System in Extremadura that involves 14 hospitals with around 3000 beds, 113 Community Health Centres, 420 Primary care Centres and over 18000 professionals. For this project, JUNTAEX will provide access to clinicians, data, and healthcare infrastructure at SES.

Extremadura’s Healthcare Service (SES) is the Healthcare System in Extremadura that involves 14 hospitals with around 3000 beds, 113 Community Health Centres, 420 Primary care Centres, and over 18000 professionals. For this project, JUNTAEX will provide access to clinicians, data, and healthcare infrastructure at SES.

It is important to highlight the other regional entities included in the process:

  • The Banco de Sangre de Extremadura (Regional Blood Bank of Extremadura), located in Mérida (Badajoz), coordinates the promotion, donation, processing, and analysis of human blood, which we then distribute to all the hospitals in the CCAA.
  • Área de Seguridad del Paciente de la Junta de Extremadura (Patient’s Security Service) is the team responsible for the patient’s security overview and management of the Extremenian Health Service. They are a team of experts in the field developing research and improvements in the public health system to decrease the number of risk cases reported yearly.
  • Hematology teams of Hospital de Badajoz. There is a team of medical, nurses, and nursing assistants.


According to the current results of patient security figures, management of blood transfusion is not an out-of-risk process.

Human error is still being reported during the stage of transfusion between donor and receptor yearly in Spain and the region of Extremadura.

According to Service of Patient’s Security, the current process is focused on two parts, initial (donor) and final (receiver). The highest risk in the process is reported between the preparation of components and the transfusion to the final patient. This stage adds storage, distribution, supply, and transfusion to the final receiver.


Increasing the automatization and security control of blood units in health centers is key to decreasing the percentages of errors, optimizing blood component uses, increasing the research data available in the system, and reducing health burden.

Research data can contribute to having a better knowledge of the real number of transfusión, patient data, and place. This secondary information can contribute to doing much research about determined illness. Furthermore, with this information, we can go deeper and assess which variables are related to certain pathologies.

The current number of donations is around 50,000 units/ year in Extremadura (table 1). Four components are extracted from each blood bag (a reserver sample, plasma, platelets, and RBCs) with a different useful life.


The number of incidents per year is increasing in the region dramatically compared with other regions (national system). Those incidents are registered in SINASP system (


The current technological system used by the sanitary teams in all the processes in the 8 areas of health in Extremadura is e-Delphyn (

This System is a flexible tool for Blood Bank data management, enabling a complete computerization of all their activities (Donors and Patients), allowing users an easy blood component control.

All the information provided by the current system is printed to inform the sanitary team about the process to follow. The co-creation process aims to digitalize this part to reduce the use of expendable material (paper and labels) and improve the security of the information using digital devices in all the steps of the process.

At the moment, when a donor wants to donate blood, they must complete a paper questionnaire with different information, for example, new or older illness, new tattoos, medication…

This questionnaire must be completed each time that you donate.

In this link, you can see an example of this questionnaire

We would like to have an alternative. For instance to digitize the questionnaire. Additionally, we would like this questionnaire to save some information about a donor when they donate again so they don’t have to fill out the full questionnaire but only the new information that happened since the last donation.


Applications closed on the 24th of January 2024 at 17:00 CET.
