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InnoBuyer starts first pilot Co-Creation phase with nine Challenger/Solver pairs

InnoBuyer starts first pilot Co-Creation phase with nine Challenger/Solver pairs

Following a successful Open Call for Solvers that saw a total of 176 submitted proposals, nine of the SME’s that were selected have now joined the InnoBuyer project.

With its innovative approach, InnoBuyer is a testing ground towards the implementation of a demand-driven methodology, aiming to speed-up the process leading to a concrete innovation procurement.

Kick Off Meeting

Bringing together all the selected Solvers and Challengers, a Kick off meeting on the 25th of March, 2024 marked the start of the InnoBuyer pilot co-creation phase (Action 3). In this phase, that will last until January 2025, the Challenger / Solver pairs will develop, pilot and apply innovative solutions to concrete challenges in several sectors of the public domain.

Representatives from all the participating organisations, from more than 10 countries around Europe, gathered online to mark the start of their collaboration and lay the foundations of their action plans for the next 10 months.

Following a warm welcome from Stéphane Ouaki and Bertrand Wert from The European Innovation Council (EIC), Lucas de Bont from InnoBuyer’s consortium partner CIVITTA carefully laid out the journey ahead, successfully setting up the participants to embark on a fast-paced journey co-creating their innovative solutions.

Meet the Solvers!

These are the Challenger / Solver pairs that have now started the 10-month journey:


Challenge & Challenger


Together they will develop a pilot for: 


CTTI – Centre de Telecomunicacions i Tecnologies de la Informació

Connecthink Innovation

Intelligent assistant to support judges and magistrates in drafting sentences by locating texts of previous judgments and jurisprudence


Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañon 

Evidence-Based Behavior

Wearable system for the early detection of delirium or agitation in patients


Erasmus MC


Capillary Testing at Home


Delft University of Technology

Complear Compliance Tech

IT driven QMS-tool for MDR compliance of early-stage medical device development


City Council of Las Rozas de Madrid

Solum Photovoltaic Innovation

MOT innovative mobility procurement


UAB “Klaipėdos paslaugos”

Corner Case Technologies

Predictive eco driving solution for service electric vehicles to optimise energy consumption, rank, analyse and enhance driver performance


Hospital Universitario del Sureste


Automated System for Prediction and Planification of Clinical Appointments


WSS Olsztyn

Sterna Innovation Projects

Safe in-hospital mobility of patients and visitors

What’s next:

For the next 10 months, the selected Challengers and Solvers will co-create and pilot an innovative solution (Action 3). If by the end of the process the solution shows promising results, Challengers will receive support to launch an innovation procurement procedure (Action 4) for the wide adoption of the solution.

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