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Results are out: 15 Challenges will be launched in a call for innovation suppliers

They say that “time flies when you’re having fun”… and the 15 public and private organisations with unment innovation needs, selected via our Call for Challengers, have already completed the first phase of the programme – Action 1: Identification and selection of challenges.

An intense work transforming unmet innovation needs into Challenges culminated with the design of each Challenge specifications, including the technical and business requirements that an innovative solution for the corresponding Challenge should address.

15 Challengers presented the outcomes of their work to the InnoBuyer consortium and the news couldn’t be more exciting: all 15 organisations are moving to the second phase of the programme:

  • AI FOR JUSTICE: Intelligent assistant to support judges and magistrates in drafting sentences by locating texts of previous judgments and jurisprudence | Challenger: CTTI – Centre de Telecomunicacions i Tecnologies de la Informació
  • BLOODMANSYS: Advanced Blood Transfusion Management System | Challenger: FundeSalud
  • DECRYPT: Advanced functional materials and components for urea electrolysis for cost-effective hydrogen and ammonia production | Challenger: German Aerospace Center (DLR)
  • DIGI-EDM: Digital Early Demand Map of the Andalusian Public Health System | Challenger: Fundación Pública Andaluza Progreso y Salud M.P.
  • Earlydel: Wearable system for the early detection of delirium or agitation in patients | Challenger: Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañon
  • FHARMAVERSO: Breaking down barriers to patient’s access to hospital pharmacy care | Challenger: Getafe University Hospital
  • GTCS: Gap Platform – Train in Curved Stations | Challenger| Ferrocarril Metropolità de Barcelona, SA
  • HomeBound: Sustainable and Patient-Friendly Home-based Capillary Blood Sampling Device for Improved Healthcare Access | Challenger: Erasmus MC
  • MDR-prep: IT driven QMS-tool for MDR compliance of early-stage medical device development | Challenger: Delft University of Technology
  • MOTINN: MOT innovative mobility procurement | Challenger: City Council of Las Rozas de Madrid
  • OptiDrive: Predictive eco driving solution for service electric vehicles to optimise energy consumption, rank, analyse and enhance driver performance | Challenger: UAB “Klaipėdos paslaugos”
  • OUTSTATIONS: Autonomous system for technical inspections of lighting and photovoltaic installations | Challenger: Águas e Energia do Porto
  • PREPLEX: Automated System for Prediction and Planification of Clinical Appointments | Challenger: Hospital Universitario del Sureste
  • Safe-stay: A comprehensive solution for the safety of a patient in WSS Olsztyn | Challenger: WSS Olsztyn
  • SprAI: Spray Pattern Recognition | Challenger: TRYGONS S.A.

These Challenges will be launched in a Call for innovation suppliers/Solvers, expected for October and November 2023, to which innovative SMEs can apply to. SMEs can start having a unique contact with these Challengers and their needs already in September 2023, at the preliminary Open Market Consultation events, that the InnoBuyer consortium will host. The dates will be announced soon.

Once the best Solvers get selected (Action 2), Challengers and Solvers will co-create and pilot an innovative solution (Action 3). If by the end of the process the solution shows promising results, Challengers will receive support to launch an innovation procurement procedure (Action 4) for the wide adoption of the solution.

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